Astronaut in the air moddable

Build a product platform.

The mod-experience your users deserve.


Inspire your users. Create a gallery of pre-built mods they can use as templates/starting points for their own mods.

Platform Library

You define a Platform class which contains context and methods you want to expose to user-mods.

  • Pass auth tokens so your mods can inherit permissions from their user
  • Pass context. Let your user mods respond to which contact/ticket/task/whatever is open
  • Write a library of helper functions. Make it effortless for users to do common tasks in your platform!

    Whatever makes sense for your platform. E.g. "updateCurrentContact()" for a CRM or "setTaskStatus('complete')" for a project management tool. The best part? We auto-create types so your users get autocomplete and linting for these methods.

  • You've Got Style!

    Edit the platform wide CSS to implement your design system. This means user-mods will inherit your platform's look and feel.